Friday, June 10, 2011

Long time no see...

Yeah I'm still alive. Holy shit man. I haven't posted in forever. I am seriously sorry! I've been so tired recently. Like I haven't been able to stay up for longer than six hours at a time without falling asleep for thirty minutes at the least. It is a little impeding, and while awake I didn't feel like doing anything at all, not even blogging. That's just being plain lazy. Well I'm going to hope I can wake up now (and shave for the love of god).

I'll start off with a bit of personal blogging. Life is standing still right now and I need to get out the jumper cables and get it back running because god dammit I don't want to be stranded. That was an interesting metaphor. Anyways, I still haven't taken the GED test so I need to get cranking on that. Studying has been rough with how tired I've been.

I've also hit no gold, hell I don't even think I've hit stone finding a job. My resume is kind of empty. "Good with computers, good with kids, 3 years high school web design." That's all of my skills on there. At least anything that is applicable to anything. I have no job experience and I've had no luck with the chains. Seriously I've tried every fast food place and big convince store on this island (except home depot, you need to be twenty-one to work there.) I guess I'll write my three line resume and send it in but I really doubt anything will come of it.

The really annoying part is I want to build a new computer. The one I have now I got from my parents, it's a 300$ pre-built computer. It's okay but I want something that is capable of more than music and the internet. For about 400$ I can get everything I need, including Windows 7 that's just about doubles everything about this computer(320gb to 1tb is totally only double.) Problem here is I only get 40$ allowance from my mom (that's doing almost every chore in the house, not like I have anything better to do.) I'm getting a little extra income from the blog (if I remember to update the thing) but it's still not much. Gr curse you job economy.

Well that's all on my mind for now. I'll be back later tonight for a new section "Artists Corner" which will showcase the ponies I have drawn so far. Artists Corner probably won't be a frequently updated section because I don't draw much. After that I will make a post asking for your opinion on what I should post so make sure to stay along for that ride. Tomorrow I'll probably post the results of that. I actaully might use one of those poll thingies. I'll also probably post a Story Time tomorrow.

Peace, and sleep well.


  1. In terms of getting a job I know your pain. Noone over here in the UK is really recruiting either. And if they are then the competition for jobs is ridiculous. Looking forward to your next posts, they sound interesting. And good luck with the job/building a PC.

  2. Good luck on finding work mate, there's not much going right now...

  3. yeah i hit many ups and downs each week , stay strong youll get there, dont know where there is exactly myself, but im sure wll be just fine,

  4. It's hard out there for everyone. Sometimes you just have to hustle for a few extra bucks.

  5. lol, I read the first paragraph and I thought to myself.. 'I'm same as you'. I sleep all the time, haven't shaved in a long time... :D

  6. Man, seems like just about every single one of us on here, it's the same. It sucks bad, but hey man, you just gotta make sure to keep moving. Keep studying, keep running, don't give up. I stopped being active and gained weight after losing it and so I opted to start moving again. I don't have a job either, but here's hoping we both get one ey?

    Just start asking around for odd jobs. Make some contacts. Then you could put down things like, "Lawn Service" or "Computer Repair" on your resume. I've been doing that for a good month and although it isn't a huge sum, I've made about a hundred fifty bucks in the black.

  7. long time no see man be sure to check out my blog ;) love you bro

  8. The island economy is really hard. Everything's limited, but it seems like there's dozens of applicants for every position. Work hard on earning your GED, & think seriously on attending community college, they have great vocational & AS programs. While in school you can get different grants with some hard paperwork, & find a job on campus through work study funding. Best of luck!

  9. Yeah, know that feel bro. Been busy myself with school and such. Heck, in a year I'll have to move out (university, hopefully :p)

    Bah, at least I have some cash tucked away...

    Regardless, wish ye the best of luck mate. With a bit o' luck, it'll work out.
