Thursday, June 23, 2011

Story time: Moon's creation

I wrote this in about ten minutes when I woke up and realized a creation story project that had been assigned the week before was due that day. In a flurry I threw clothes on and wrote something up before running to get on the bus. I was half asleep and didn't care as long as I had something to to turn in. Can you believe I got an A for this nonsense?

Ever wonder how the star and moon got there? How about the lack of fairies we have in this day and time? Well that's all a cause from a long long time ago. Way back before the moon or stars existed fairies were plentiful in the once giant forest. Everyone knows the faeries help the forest to grow. Anyways the night was very dark. The animals where afraid so they asked the fairies for help.

The fairies agreed to help their animal friends and flew up higher then ever before and spread their sparkles across the sky. Once they were done the animals were still afraid, the stars didn't add enough light. So the fairies decided to make one big star. They all flew up and formed a circle and stayed like that, creating the moon. As a cause of this, fairies just disappeared. The moon's light comes and goes because that's how fairies shine: on and off. Some believe that lightning bugs are the long lost cousins of the fairies, but that's a story for another time.


  1. I will now think of this story at night.

  2. Not bad for a from the hip story.

  3. Nice story, always wondered what and hwo the Moon was created XD

  4. Wish I could whip up something like that in that amount of time!

  5. I would love to see this expanded. This seems like a very good story of lore that'd be very inspirational to hear. A story to tell to a little kid.

  6. I know that feeling: more than once have I written something in the haste of the moment. Usually with horrid results. But yer is pretty good and creative ;)
