Friday, June 24, 2011

Update: Banner Get!

Look up. See a new banner? No. Turn images on. There you go. Anyways I finally decided to make a banner, after several hours failing to create it the way I wanted to I opted for an easier route that took me maybe fifteen minutes and turned out nicely, at least I think so. Though I am annoyed it isn't centered. Can anyone help me with that? It's really bothering me...

I have also joined in with a site that features several blogger and topics ranging from technology to minecraft to other stuff that I may not even pay attention to being there. I'm probably going to start an anime section for them as well as help with minecraft and let's plays. I really do suggest going to check them out and all that.

Nothing else to say, still haven't decided on what I want to get. To be honest I will get all of the equipment sometime but it's a matter of in what order.

Edit: I just added a picture to increase the length of the banner to fit the blog perfectly. Thanks god it was really starting to get to me.


  1. I really like the new banner, it really shows who you are. It's a nice design and the letters while being able to clearly show the title, aren't obnoxious enough to obscure the pictures behind it.

  2. Thanks to both of you :)

    Yeah I was really afraid of that and then lowering the opacity and making it like a like tittle each side thing hit me. It actaully worked better than I expected.

    I love most about it is the fact that it fits with this "default" template that I honestly love anyways, even if it isn't "original".

  3. it really looks like a journey ; )

  4. Me gusta! Reflects you and your blog very well.

  5. Nice, I need to make one myself.

  6. I tried making one the other day, looked mediocre, will try again. Like yours btw.

  7. Love your banner! Been trying to make one myself

  8. nice made, photoshop is always a good tool :)

  9. Looks good man, gives your blog a lot of life.

  10. That looks really good, features your parkour (not sure if I'm using the word correctly, ho'well) well!

  11. I like the banner, and I like the tabs.
