Friday, May 13, 2011

Late night thoughts

It's not really that late. 11:30pm. Well I guess depending on your perspective. So I've talked about how this blog is just full of too much and does so little. I'm seriously considering making a parkour blog on it's own, I'd still post some things here about parkour but that would be the main one. Everything else here would continue as normal.

I was reading a few things and everything kept saying "one topic" this and "singularity" that. I'll be honest I want to make a few extra dollars a day writing up little things like I love to do, but I'm not trying to make money here. All those things were talking about making money so it's not really prevalent to me. That being said it still gets me thinking should I really? I think it would be more work maintaining more blogs.

I wouldn't make a separate blog for reviews or thoughts or anything like that, just because those are only things I type about because I just kinda want to say it. I'm not thinking about those gaining any gain at all. Parkour though, that is something I love and can see actaully working for me in a monetary kind of way.

These things were talking about full time blogging. My only though on this is "Can that be true?" If I made a parkour exclusive blog could after a year or two it turn popular enough to sustain myself while sharing rent with a friend (next year a friend and I are renting an apartment.) Let us say 500$ for rent a month. My trust ol' calculator says... I would have to make an average of 17$ a day just to make rent. So to live (as I would be freeloading a bit off my friend) I probably would want a ballpark of 40$ a day from ads.

Well I get around 2$ a day right now. Maybe it is possible... I don't know if I can build a large enough of an audience. I would have to work at it no doubt and I don't know how to really monetize on things like this. What kind of content would I even put. Training logs? Weekly videos? Tutorials? Hm... Videos would be really hard, my computer is not made for video editing in the least.

I think starting Monday I will create a parkour specific blog, but I need help, what would y'all like to see out of a blog of that kine? Don't worry though! I will still post here. This will forever be my idea dumping ground, or my excitement vest of a cool controller I get, or peaks into my daily life. I won't leave you guys, you're too cool to leave ^.^

Peace, stay awesome until next time.


  1. Isn't that the ultimate dream? Making money by doing something you love...

  2. We can all take a little something from this. To do what we love. If only.

  3. It's nice being able to make money from something you enjoy. Quite frankly, my blog has already earned me more than I had actually assumed I'd get. I thought the guys making $3k a month were insane, but I think I can understand it now. That's £100 a day, ten times more than what I got on my peak, but with the amount of followers some of them have it does make some sense now.

    I expected something like £0.20 a day at most, haha.

  4. I know what you mean! I was like "Yay I made a dollar!" On my first day. It's a dollar more than I expected.

  5. Cool post dude! I can only dream I can make that much money!

  6. as everyone else said, focus on writing and posting what you love to talk about!

  7. Foorrr yoouuurr dreeaamms ~!! ♥

  8. Would be tough living off of blogging but many do it!

  9. do what you love! make more blogs? thx for the comments will try and do what you asked for !

  10. I love this blog!

    But you can't really live off blogging can you?

  11. Well, with this, you're a little closer to your dream. I'm making a living by having a job, but hey, to each his own :P

  12. you'd have to come up with a ton of original content if you were going to be able to pull in that kind of money!

  13. Make a parkour blog. Parkour is awesome.

  14. Get it going man. Sometimes you just need a little springboard to make it happen.

  15. That's some deep shit! :)
    Good luck to you
