Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm crying...

This blog is primarily a diary in reality. I just started crying while typing something. I read about a man. He was kicked out of his house at 18 and lived as a tramp. His life was hard, too hard. I spent the entire time reading it wishing I could help him. Then he talked about a girl. She helped him, picked him back up on his feet, gave him a place to sleep. She helped him.

After a while the developed a relationship. They became close. They even decided to marry. That's when shit turns sour. She falls ill and dies not long after.

I always am thankful for what I have, I never once feel obligated to anything. This though... This just hit it home for me. I am 18. I dropped out. Yet my parents still deal with me. If they wanted to they could kick me out to the streets, yet they haven't.

I was typing this in response when I couldn't hold back the tears:
"It was a long read indeed. It makes me more grateful than ever for what I have.
I never ask for anything. I have my parents and even if we don't always agree on things I love them and they love me. I dropped out of school and they still accept me in this house. Everyday I notice how lucky I am. If they ever ask if there's something I want, even a present for my birthday or Christmas, I tell them it's fine. I'm already a burden. Of course I don't say that last part."

My eyes are still blurry and they're getting worse again. I always pride myself on being a strong individual, but I don't care if crying is a weakness. I hardly ever cry, but when I do, it means something. I can count on one hand how many times I have cried since I was 13.

Peace and always realize what you have and be thankful for it. Hold on to the people you love tight.


  1. the lady was polish right? and he gave her a saxophone? yeah, i read that....

  2. That is a very touching.
    I can understand how you feel too, I still live with my parents. I stopped asking them for almost anything, I even help pay for the bills and what not.
    I am thankful for the people I have in my life.
    Thank you for sharing your story.

  3. I know how you feel and I am barely crying ever, but if I do, it is stories like this. I did not know about the story and I want to thank you for reminding everybody to value what they have in life and not take everything for granted.

  4. Its good you feel gratitude to your parents! Always, always cherish them, & share it with them. Both my parents have passed away, & although I know they don't want me to feel pain & regret not showing them more appreciation & love, it will always be in my mind that I could of done more. Just be glad you're blessed with love!

  5. nice style of writing, go on man

  6. damn thats so deep i get really emotional. i dont know if you really care but i do feel with you-.

  7. This is a great story, nice piece

  8. Thanks for sharing this. I can't remember the last time I cried though... the last time I came close was the end of 5 Cm Per Second.

    These are the moments that really get you through life, when you realize just how lucky you are to even be alive and healthy.

  9. Very touching. Every one can relate it to them selves in someway

  10. touching story, thanks for sharing
    I hope a can be as strong as you

  11. Yeah Pokemon, I think he is talking about the Polish girl story, that was a pretty moving story... No shame in being touched emotionally by something man!

  12. I've read that story, truly heartwarming. I'm also glad you're realizing how lucky YOU are. :) Nice blog btw.

  13. Yeap, it's the story about the polish girl. Lovely that a lot of you read it too. Just goes to show how awesome the people who read this blog are :)
